“Produce inspirational media that can refresh and uplift people, giving all the glory only to God.”
We are passionate artists from around the world coming together to use our talents with a purpose and for a cause.
Purpose: Using our talents to bless the lives of people and give all the glory only to God.
Cause: To make a difference in this world relieving the pain and suffering through a platform of artists who create awareness and channel the funds from productions for humanitarian causes.
Many great classical composers, such as J. S. Bach and F. Handel, signed all their compositions with three mysterious inscriptions: SDG. These three letters were the initials from the Latin words: Soli Deo Gloria, meaning “To the glory of God alone.”
Talking about his music, Handel said, “I should be sorry if I only entertained them; I wish to make them better.” And Bach said, “The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.”
This is the reason behind choosing the name GIVE GLORY 2 HIM Productions. We believe there is a higher goal in music and art than simply impressing people, receiving praise and being admired for one’s talent, or to entertain others. We believe that even more impacting than the previous goals, is the purpose of inspiring and changing people’s lives for the better, always glorifying God who is the giver of all good gifts!
Back in 2011, Shane and Christian (Founders of GIVE GLORY 2 HIM Productions) met in Tennessee, never imagining one day they would end up working together, combining their dreams in production. Shane’s passion was media production and Christian’s passion was music. Christian invited Shane to study media in the college he was attending, and there they became good friends.
After a few years, Shane and Christian reconnected and started brainstorming on how to combine their talents and passions in inspirational productions, and the vision of GIVE GLORY 2 HIM Productions was born.