Xavier Equiano combines his passion for technology, audio engineering and music in producing the best possible audio for listeners to enjoy and be refreshed. Xavier was the main audio engineer leading the production for the album Perfect Peace as well as upcoming new productions. Xavier believes in the importance of detail and that every sound and note counts.
Xavier Equiano
Born in Germany, Xavier was raised in a Christian home. As a young boy, he enjoyed singing hymns and could be heard whistling music while playing on the living room floor or riding his bicycle through the neighborhood. Even though few people shared his intense passion for music, he never got tired of listening to various genres, and wherever he traveled, he always brought music with him.
As he grew older, he increasingly lost interest in God, even though the Christian faith was so important to his family. Seeking happiness and trying to give purpose to his life, Xavier pursued success and pleasures in different ways and places.
His love for music led him to study music production in Munich, Germany. This was a field of work he loved, and he earned appreciation from his colleagues and fellow musicians. Above all, this path promised to give him what he had longed for: lasting happiness and true peace. He really loved his work, yet experienced that no amount of success, prestige, or amusement would give him what he needed.
Every night after the toil and fuss of the day had come to
an end, and he lay still in bed, he felt a deep void and emptiness. Xavier decided to give God a final chance to see if He existed and if He would make a difference in his life. “God in heaven, if You exist, I want to really experience You!” he prayed.
“Since that day, life has never been the same,” Xavier says. “God has proven Himself alive and that He wants to fulfill the deepest needs of my heart.” Years later, having survived a major surgery with multiple complications from liver cancer, he is even more confident of God’s calling for his life: “I know that God wants me to be alive and wants to use my talents and passions for Him.” Now Xavier finds true fulfillment in dedicating his skills and life to uplifting people and glorifying God.